Watch this video, then visit
Interesting numbers - Allah only knows the future. The population is growing, unquestionably.
And the leadership challenge will get more complex as the population grows...
To learn more about the Niche Hero Leadership Solution certification, visit:
This video was made by missionaries and the statistics cited are horribly inaccurate. BBC has an article debunking the numbers here:
ReplyDeleteAgreed with above statement. The credibility and validity of this video is questionable.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of the numbers large or small, we know our community is growing exponentially.
ReplyDeleteMeaning, our leadership challenge is going to become more complex exponentially.
Do you agree? Yey or Nay?
Salamu alaykum dear shaikh. Good video post. The way i see it , is that it means we need to be growing lots of du'aat (islamic preachers) to help guide those new comers so that they follow Islam and understand it well inshaAllah.
ReplyDeleteSo this maybe the time where we need to learn a lot of knowledge about life and islam , maybe similar to the time of the early sahaba i think.
And those new imams and du'aat will end up being the leaders i think as inshaAllah the muslims will turn to them.
So the focus should be on improving ourselves and becoming islamic du'aat.
Where does leadership come in?
Maybe these du'aat need to learn about leadership. But i have a feeling it will be natural. Once someone becomes a good da'ee i think he will automatically become a good leader, but am not 100% sure of this. I think when they become rabanni it will mean they become good leaders. But not very sure.
salam and thanks again
I agree with Abu Musa Habashi ...the stat. just inaccurate soudn like propaganda to me!!!
ReplyDeletebut regardless of the numbers we Muslims definitely have a problem in our community and leaderships ... But how to be constructively critic and hope for some improvement when religion is used against any one who disagree with the leadership (salafi views). Sheikh could you please comment on that??
Agreed that our population is growing exponentially. But why use inaccurate and questionable videos to promote such Islamic leadership programs. No... the end does not always justify the means. Surely we are better than that mashaAllah, and Allah knows best.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure, but I would be cautious with this clip, as I heard, not from a reliable or accurate source, that this was an attempt to create fear in the non believers to be frightened and have more children.
ReplyDeleteThere would be a better consideration for a similar concept, if we just apply statistics how they usually do in the west.
for example:
every minute of everyday, there is someone who turned to Allah and started learning about Islam.
Another figure, is that there is a young adult, turning to the age of like 18, taking serious his or her study of Islam. In the west they say he or she is coming of age.
They used to teach me that you could sell them something, and make a quick buck, without worrying about the fact that they have a scam and classify upcoming "potential". Amway took this spin from 1960's till 1999. Not to compare this ridiculous company to Islam in any sense, but it was a Christian recruitment movement I felt. And they used realistic numbers to motivate people for their cause.
Today, just think, there is possibly every minute of every day someone is trying to learn about Islam. Publishing accurate and correct information of this blessed religion, can spin into a large number very quickly. Just think, everyone in turn, there is a reward for you, for the information you conveyed, where you enjoy the benefit of reward, 1440/per day understanding something about Allah, swt, and the rasool, PBUH. End of the year you have informed 525,600 people at the least and not to mention that they talk about what you taught them too. subhanAllah!
funny thing I used a minute but in reality, it could be every second, because there is 86400 seconds a day, and that is nothing to 1.5 billion, it's below 1%, like .00006%. So I am a little rusty in statistics, but the numbers are very high.
so keep going, bring information about Allah and his prophets, pbut, and don't count what you have in your hand, for the reward, only Allah knows!
subhanAllah, and baraka Allahu feekum
sheik Uthaymin, rihama Allah, had taken out time to teach one time, and no one showed up except for a few you could count on one hand, or it was even a complete no show, can't remember exactly. today, the fruit of the knowledge he shared is blossoming and become apparent and perpetual. mashAllah.
please forgive me for such a long post and jazakum Allahu khairan for reading.
While I may agree with your conclusions, I believe it is very important to use accurate information to support your conclusions. An argument is often only as strong as it's weakest proposition; a proposition based on inaccurate data can often undermine the argument's conclusion.
ReplyDeleteAs salam alakom Sheikh Mohammad.
ReplyDeleteIt is great that you touched on the topic of leadership. The numbers are inaccurate, but of course that is not the point. You are absolutely right that leadership today is a challenge and tomorrow will be more of a complexity.
Please let us know if the Islamic Leadership Institute of America ( could assist in any way.
Ayman Nassar
But isn't it true that everything we hear on the internet is accurate? :)
ReplyDeleteWikipedia for example
wa alaykum as salam Ayman,
ReplyDeleteMa sha Allah - nice initiative.
Tell us more about it.
How/when did it start? What sort of results are you experiencing? What challenges are being faced?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteasakum: what my view is according to this video : We Trust in Allah so We don't have to worry but right now we have to worry about ourselves.Are we implementing islam in our lives and that is the main remedy of all the situations that we are facing today. why we got weak today bcz. of lack of weak emaan in ourselves. Our emaan can become strong only when we implement islam in our own selves and in our own lives and then you can see with ur own eyes no power can over power you.
ReplyDeleteI had seen this video an year or so ago and
ReplyDeleteRecently, I had read an article which stated that Italy would pay women to have babies or not to abort.
As I stated prior, we ARE leaders, the question is how do we implement it.
I also recently came across another of your webinar where you had stated that we need to take our initiative and make it bigger, that right there is what we need to know "HOW" to do. The "Uncles" seems to have figured out what had to be done, what exactly is our objective?
That video motivates me :D, alhamdulilah. I wish it were true :).
ReplyDeleteOk the numbers are not correct but you can see exactly that is what is happening in the world esp Europe.
ReplyDeleteDear Brothers and Sisters,
ReplyDeleteas we know from the history of our beloved Prophet peace be upon him, it's not about numbers. It's not quantity but QUALITY. The Prophet peace be upon him prophescised that one day we will be vast in numbers but we will be like the scum on the ocean.....
What we should be worried about is purifying ourselves upon the right way, starting with tawheed upon ourselves and then upon our families and so on. Leadership comes right at the end of all of this.
Once we are a nation that is upon the haq as we should be (practising Islam in the way it was revealed to our Prophet and his companions may Allaah be pleased with them, free from biddah and shirk) - only then can we even think about Leadership.
Well in the UK it seems they have already started masha'Allah. iERA is doing an amaing job and growing everyday
ReplyDeleteAssalamu 'alaikum warahmatullaah. Alhamdulillah.
ReplyDeleteBrothers & sisters, welcome to the community of the future. While every body is airing their own view on the future Leadership in Islam, it is rather sinful not to consider the statements of our beloved Prohet SAW on the subject. Pl study them. At the same time I would like to tell you that we are witnessing & living the END TIMES and the unfolding of those prohecies suggest that we have neared the apperance of HAZRAT MAHDI and HAZRAT ISA (Alaihimussalaam) the true leaders of Islam of END TIMES.
Therefore let's prepare ourselves for the day and make du'a to Allah SWT to protect from the tribulations the Muslim Ummah is going to face. Ameen. For more on this you may like to have the views of Mr. Harun Yahya and Maulana Imran Hosein.
Assalama Alaikum
ReplyDeleteInshallah our Uma will continue to grow, and i feel like it's about risk management, a large population with a lack of quality leaders will result in ... (I don't want to know) wallahu aalam. Failure is not an option.
Jazakallahu Khayran Sheikh Muhammad Al-Shareef, inshallah I will definetely attend the seminar.
As a mater of fact it is on CIA,s web where you can find any country with birth a death and growth, and you will fiend the same numbers as in the Vedio.Go and find it yourself.
ReplyDeleteLeadership issue comes up when a person thinks of leading a group, then automatically he/she starts to accuse the other of Non-Islamic way of leadership and promises that if he/she will become leader this will not take care.
ReplyDeleteIn practical this is not possible, instead we shd help the person who is leading by discussing the things and get all to follow the Sunnah and Quran. For some ppl one part of Quran is more important then other. For some the other verse of Quran is more important then anything else. But as a Muslim the complete Quran is important. So each one of us shd think in this direction atleast. Then we can organize ourselves as all those who are working in some direction keeping in mind of 1 verse shd co-ordinate with other group working on other verse instead of saying bad of other group, so that people follow their group. See one thing is sure Allah is there to see us and allah knows what is there in our hearts. Then if we have some bad intent then allah will surely punish us here and hereafter.
Regarding the authenticity, we shd try to concentrate on the topic raised by our brother. Here we are lacking maturity, instead of talking on the topic we are talking abt something else.
We shd discuss the topic in line with what our Beloved Prophet Mohammed Saw said.
Can anyone put light on the same.
My say to Asim:
ReplyDeleteThe Ummah leads itself.
by devoted muslims
that enrolls excellence
in leadership,attitude and culture
taught in the Qur'an and sunnah.
This Ummah
starts with one devoted Muslim that produces another
then one devoted family that produces another
then one devoted community that produces another
then one devoted country that produces another
then one devoted internation that produces another
then one civilisation (true at heart and achievements)
then a world under the Qur'an
but it starts with one DEVOTED Muslim.
Who else if not us? When will if not now?
I think it would be more appropriate if we asked 'Can WE lead the Ummah'? rather than 'Who will lead the Ummah'?
ReplyDeleteFor how long will we keep waiting for someone else to fulfill a task, rather than wait around and waste time for someone else to come and become a leader, we should all try and become leaders. Its not impossible, given that we educate ourselves and implement the laws laid out by the Quran and Sunnah correctly, we need to take the initiative and not waste time waiting for others to fulfill a task that we can do ourselves.
This video is indeed motivating, and I wish it were true.
I believe that we should focus on the issue stated by brother Muhammad, and it is a fact that the Muslim population is growing day by day, and that this leadership issue will become more complex, but if we don't start now then when will we?
Will you offer this course in london ontario?
ReplyDeleteregardless of how accurate the figures are...they are accurate to a high degree...
ReplyDeleteI just did a 2 day training with Dr. Tareq Suwaidan on leadership and managment in Sydney; it was beyond outstanding!
I also did a one year course on leadership ( and it was life changing...
I strongly recommend to all brothers and sisters who want to see the Muslim ummah flourish again to get into leadership and get professional training on it; especially by the masters in this field like sh. Muhammad Alshareef... anyone can become a leader! (only 1% of the population are born leaders!)
I totally agree with Ummhanifah96 that it is not about quantity but QUALITY of Muslims that we should count. I am from Thailand and we do have lots of Muslims here now but not many practise Islam. Not many are proud of being Muslims. They feel shy to tell that they are Muslims. On the contrary, our Muslims here love to follow western ways of life. Our new generation are getting out of Islamic track but admiring western life styles. What we should do to call our people back to Islamic way must be our important and priority task than counting numbers. May Allah bless and guide Muslims to Islam.
ReplyDeleteJust spend aid money NOT to convert muslims, but to educate them, bring down the birth rates and problem solved for everyone.
ReplyDeleteAssalamu Alaikum
ReplyDeleteI think we all should use publicaly available resources to give out Islamic information to the public. I use to distribute free Islamic books with free shipping and I was surprised to see how many non-muslims were interested in the books. After seeing their interest I put many other Islamic books on listia.
assalamu alaikum,
ReplyDeletewhatever the case is, i ask Allaah(azaa wajjal) give the responsibility and wilaya of this ummah to those who will shed their blood and spend thier time and effort on it. The little bad boyz leading the ummah now are a shame on us and subhnaAllah i wonder who put them in charge. They are people whom u wouldnt even trust minor affairs with let alone allow them to lead the ummah!! I believe firmly and strongly that this ummah will reach nowhere without jihaad in its program of revivalism of the ummah. this is the truth wallahi. Knowledge alone will not get us anywhere. this is something many duaat and ulema often overlook.wallahul must'an.